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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Analysis of Software Reliability Growth Models for Quantitative Evaluation of Software Reliability and Goodness of Fitness Metrics
Harminder Pal Singh Dhami, Vaibhav Bansal
Abstract: Till now there have been many Software Reliability models developed for assessing the reliability of software product. Most of these are based upon past failure data gathered during the testing phase. These models have been utilized to evaluate the quality of the software and for future predication of reliability. They have been used in many critical management decision making problems that occur during the testing phase. But none of these models can claim to be the best and hence there is a need for further research. In this paper different modeling approaches are briefly studied and we present procedures to estimate the parameters of SRGMs and a critical analysis of Goodness of Fit using some existing Software Reliability Growth Models. On the basis of our observations we recommend the methodologies for estimating parameters of SGRM and the various metrics used for comparison of Goodness of Fit and predictive validity.
Keywords: SRGM, SRE, NHPP, Mean Value Function, Parameter Estimation, Failure Intensity Rate, MSE, AIC, R2, MLE, LSE, RPE
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 1540 - 1548
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