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Research Proposals or Synopsis | Electronics & Communication Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Secret Image Protection through Image Fusion Technique
Snehal Gomase, R. D. Sushir
Abstract: The fast development of digital image processing leads to the growth of feature extraction of images which leads to the development of Image fusion. Image fusion is defined as the process of combining two or more different images into a new single image retaining important features from each image with extended information content. An algorithm for protecting the secret image whose confidentiality needs to be maintained, and also to authenticate the distributor who distributes that secret image to multiple users is proposed. This paper evaluates the performance of multi focused image fusion of using Stationary Wavelet Transform, Lifting Wavelet Transform in terms of various performance measures like MSE, RMSE, PSNR, SNR and Correlation.
Keywords: Dealer, Image Fusion, Secret Sharing, Stationary Wavelet Transform, Lifting Wavelet Transform
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Pages: 2211 - 2216
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