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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | Saudi Arabia | Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Awareness of Doctors Regarding the Role of Physiotherapy in the Management of Stress Incontinence
Aisha Ansari, Afrah Hamad Mutlaq Alhashal, Shahid Ali
Abstract: Background Urinary Incontinence is a worldwide problem that remains a highly prevalent cross-cultural and costly condition affecting millions regardless of age and gender. Physiotherapy is among the recommended treatment options for the management of stress incontinence. Objectives To assess the awareness among doctors regarding the role of physiotherapy in stress incontinence management Methods A cross-sectional study was done among gynecologists, nephrologists and urologists selected from Public and Private Hospital of Riyadh, Qassim and Hail, total sample size of the study was 50. Data was entered and analyzed using SPSS version 18. Chi square test was used to find association for qualitative variables and p value <0.05 was considered as significant. Results Awareness regarding role of physiotherapy management in stress incontinence was found among 80 % doctors. Urinary tract infection (55 %), Post partum (45 %) and post surgical (45 %) were considered by doctors as the most common causes of stress incontinence. Preferable choice of management for stress incontinence was physiotherapy by 75 % doctors. Regarding Average recovery after physiotherapt, 10 % of the Consultants was agree for 100 % recovery of stress incontinence patient after physiotherapy where as maximum number of Consultants 40 % are agree 70 % recovery, 30 % Consultants for 50 % recovery, 12 % Consultants for 20 % recovery and the 8 % Consultants said 0 % recovery of stress incontinence patient after physiotherapy. Conclusion The study showed that there was awareness among doctors about the role of physiotherapy in management of stress incontinence and most of them referred their patients for physiotherapy.
Keywords: Awareness, Stress Incontinence, Physiotherapy, Gynecologist, Urologist, Nephrologists, Recovery
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 11, November 2017
Pages: 1434 - 1438
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