Development of Capture Fisheries Plan Instrument in Bone Bay Based on Fish Resource Ecological Aspects
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Dissertation Chapters | Marine Biology | Indonesia | Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10


Development of Capture Fisheries Plan Instrument in Bone Bay Based on Fish Resource Ecological Aspects

Urif Syarifudin, Darmawan Salman, Syamsu Alam Ali, Budimawan

Abstract: Previous research has made an important contribution in providing information on fishing and capture fisheries. This research was conducted as an improvisation of previous research and aimed to develope a system in identifying potential areas of capture fishery in an integrated manner by considering the distribution of potential resources based on biological behavior aspect approach of fish targets influenced by hydro-oceanography parameter (Chlorophyll-a, SST, bathymetry and thermal fronts, as well as currents and waves) through the application of Geographic Information System (GIS), resulting in a new improvisation in the field of fishing planning instruments with more comprehensive data references. The research employed secondary data collection method (satellite image data) and field survey method to validate the analysis result. Field validation surveys were conducted during the transitional season from December 2016 to February 2017. An analysis was conducted to assess the suitability of potential fishing areas using GIS-OVERLAY and GIS-POINT DENSITY processes on chlorophyll-a, SST, bathymetric and thermal front parameters.

Keywords: capture fisheries, fishing ground, hydro-oceanography, Geographic Information System, Bone bay

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017

Pages: 1838 - 1847

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Urif Syarifudin, Darmawan Salman, Syamsu Alam Ali, Budimawan, "Development of Capture Fisheries Plan Instrument in Bone Bay Based on Fish Resource Ecological Aspects", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017, pp. 1838-1847,, DOI: