International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Rating: 6.9 / 10

Performance Analysis of Service Sector Employees (A Case Study of Indian Railways: Jabalpur Div.)

Dr. Rajeev Singh [3]

Abstract: Performance appraisal is a continuous process to secure information necessary for making correct & objective decisions about an employee. It is observed that the systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his other performance regarding the job & his or her potential for development. They provide systematic judgments to back up salary increases, transfers, demotions or terminations. They are means of telling a subordinate how he is doing, & suggesting needed changes in his behavior, attitudes, skills, or job knowledge. The growth & progress of the present huge network of Indian railways had a modest beginning. The beginning of railways stands out as one of the most fascinating events in the history of India. The vast organization of Indian railways, as the study of annals of Indian railways reveals that they were built not at the demand of Indians but on the initiative of the British government t use India as an effective investment outlet & source of raw materials for British industry. Indian railways with their national network help to bring unity among the people of different regions with different languages, skills & knowledge by transporting people. They have also placed India among the first ten industrially developed countries in the world.

Keywords: Performance Appraisal, Human Resource Development, Transportation, Indian Railways

Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017,

Pages: 844 - 848

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