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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
An Improved Blood Splatters Analysis Technique
Utkarsha Chirmade, Namrata Sharma, B.S Patil
Abstract: In different complicated crime investigation and solving the cases the forensic science is a key contributor. That involves the biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics for investigating the facts about the crime. Forensic science includes on more technique for crime scene analysis is known as bloodstain analysis. The bloodstain analysis enable the investigators to understand the crime scene, discover the kind of weapon used, speed of weapon, flight time of blood drops and the angle of weapon or impact. In this work the aim is to investigate about the blood strain analysis technique and to design a new technique for recovering the flight time, angle of impact and velocity of weapon. In this context first the crime scene image data is accepted as initial input. Additionally for finding the accurate analysis some additional inputs are also included such as high of impact, distance of blood drops and the line passing through the ellipse formed in the input image. Finally the velocity and flight time of blood drops are calculated using the law of motion and the trajectory analysis. The implementation of the proposed technique is provided using JAVA technology. Additionally the performance is computed in terms of time and space complexity of the implemented system. The performance of the proposed system demonstrates the proposed technique is effective and low resource consuming technique.
Keywords: Forensic, bloodstain analysis, trajectory analysis, flight time, velocity and angle
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 9, September 2017
Pages: 956 - 961
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