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Research Paper | Social Science | India | Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
A Statistical Study of Anxiety among College Students: A Case Study in Chennai City
Nivethavijayakumar, Joshua David
Abstract: College life can be very stressful. Sometimes parents, faculty and others tend to idealize their college experience and remember it as that idyllic time when they had few worries or responsibilities. To students currently attending college, however, the process is often stressful and frustrating. The competition for grades, the need to perform, relationships, college stress, external stress, professors stress, psychological stress, parental stress and many other aspects of the college environment cause stress. This study investigates the relationships among stress among college students. The data were collected from primary sources containing 176 respondents from various colleges in Chennai using simple random sampling method. To find the hidden structure and also identify the groups of stress data using Factor analysis and K-means clustering algorithm. In addition, Correspondence analysis results suggested that age group less than 18 belongs to grade A (Low Stress), 18-21 age group belongs to grade B (High Stress) and the age group greater than 21 belongs to grade C contains moderate stress.
Keywords: Factor Analysis, K-means Clustering and Correspondence analysis
Edition: Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
Pages: 1576 - 1583
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