Spontaneous Transvaginal Small Bowel Evisceration in a Postmenopausal Women
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10


Spontaneous Transvaginal Small Bowel Evisceration in a Postmenopausal Women

Dr. Dilip D K, Dr. Veerendraswamy S M, Dr. Hanumanthappa B N

Abstract: Spontaneous evisceration through the vagina was first described in 1907 by McGregor.1 To date, only eighty-five cases of transvaginal small bowel evisceration have been documented worldwide.1, 2 The primary risk groups for spontaneous vaginal evisceration include postmenopausal women, 1, 37 vaginal surgery cases, 1, 810 multiparae, 11 and women of older age.2, 3 In postmenopausal woman, transvaginal evisceration is frequently associated with increased abdominal pressure, 1 vaginal ulceration due to severe atrophy, and straining at stool.6, 8 Vaginal evisceration is a medical emergency that requires prompt recognition and immediate surgical intervention.1 The associated mortality rate is 5.6 percent, however, the incidence of morbidity is higher3, 8 when the bowel has become strangulated through the vaginal defect. Here, we report a case of Spontaneous transvaginal small bowel evisceration in a postmenopausal women and highlight the risk factors, clinical presentation, and treatment options for this rare gynaecological emergency.

Keywords: Postmenopausal women, evisceration, vaginal vault repair

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018

Pages: 521 - 523

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Dr. Dilip D K, Dr. Veerendraswamy S M, Dr. Hanumanthappa B N, "Spontaneous Transvaginal Small Bowel Evisceration in a Postmenopausal Women", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 7 Issue 4, April 2018, pp. 521-523, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20181257, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20181257

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