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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Experimentation on Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Using Water and Nanofluid
J. Emeema, C. Lakshmi Sindhuja, K. Laxman
Abstract: Heat exchangers are devices that facilitate the exchange of heat between two fluids that are at different temperatures. The hot and cold fluids do not mix with each other. Heat exchangers are widely used in steam power plants, oil and gas industries, radiators in cars, chemical processing, air conditioning systems etc. , Heat exchangers are broadly classified according to the nature of heat exchange process & relative direction of motion of fluids (Parallel flow and Counter flow). In this experiment, heat transfer parameters like heat flow rate, Logarithmic mean temperature difference, overall heat transfer coefficient, and effectiveness through the Heat Exchanger were determined using water and nanofluid for parallel flow and counter flow directions on a Double Pipe or Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger. The results obtained from the experiment were graphically depicted for comparison and conclusions.
Keywords: Heat transfer rate, Effectiveness, Overall heat transfer Coefficient, Logarithmic mean temperature difference, Number of transfer units
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 2, February 2018
Pages: 1179 - 1182
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