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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
A Classical Unification of Classical Mechanics with Quantum Mechanics: Why Photon Should Have an Intrinsic Mass
Prasenjit Debnath
Abstract: A very recently discovered new particle in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva, with a mass of 125 GeV/C2 is actually a Higgs particle of some type. The Higgs field or natural Higgs Particle gives rest masses to elementary particles that would otherwise travel at a speed of light ( ). But it is only the energy of the particles which bends space-time and resultantly causes gravity. Even photons with no rest mass (assumed) will bend the space-time. All that Higgs does is forces these formerly mass-less particles to slow down significantly in comparison with the speed of light ( ) to sub-light speeds or resist their acceleration. But Higgs does not give masses to all particles like photons, gluons gravitons, that is the reason why Higgs field is not called an Universal force while gravity is always a universal force (the term universal is not referring to the Universe but to the notion universality ? of complete generality). In this paper, I will show how classical mechanics can be unified to the quantum mechanics with the help of force, energy, mass, gravity, and momentum. I will also show that why photons should have an intrinsic mass.
Keywords: Large Hadron Collider, Higgs Particle, Speed of Light ( ), Space-Time, Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics.
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Pages: 318 - 321
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