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Research Paper | Entomology | India | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Studies on Feeding Behavior of different Leaf Feeding Insect Pest of Forest under Treatments of Different Ethno-Insecticidal Plant Extracts
Deepa M, Meera.D
Abstract: Botanicals act not only as insecticides but also function as antifeedants, oviposition deterrents and ovicides. The present investigation reports on the antifeedant property of leaf components of (07) seven plant extracts (Azima tetracantha, Chloroxylon sweietenia, Clerodendrum viscosum, Cleistanthus collinus, Lippia javanica, Ocimum americanum and Sphearanthus indicus) against (04) four test insects (Hyblea purea Tinolius eburneigutta, Eutectona machearalis, and Atteva fabricella) at different concentrations was done. All insect cultures were maintained in a growth chamber in the laboratory at a temperature of 27 2 C, 12 12 LD and with 70 5 % RH during the experiments and the antifeedant activity observed in all the plant extracts based on the feeding behavior of the test insect and arranged in the descending order is 1.0 %>0.8 %>0.6 %>0.4 %>0.2 %>0.1 % concentrations and uncontrol. At 1.0 per cent concentration found to be the most effective and potent antifeedant against these leaf feeding insect pest.
Keywords: Antifeedant, plant extracts, Feeding behaviour, Ethno-insecticides Insect pests
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 404 - 407
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