International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Education Management | Kenya | Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Relationship between Participative Leadership Style and Teachers Job Satisfaction in Public Primary Schools Nakuru County, Kenya

Wachira Thuku | Tanui Edward K [2] | Kalai Jeremiah M.

Abstract: This study explored participative leadership style practiced by head teachers and job satisfaction of teachers. The study was conducted among a random sample of 348 primary school teachers from Nakuru County, Kenya. A researcher developed questionnaire was administered. Correlation design was used for the study. Spearmans coefficient correlation analysis was used to predict relationships between variables. The objective of the study was to determine relationship between head teachers participative leadership style and teachers job satisfaction in primary schools. Teacher job satisfaction is influenced by teacher participation in decision making on school activities such as, supervision, finance handling and administrative affairs. The expertise needed for school development must come from a broader base of individuals with diverse skills, knowledge regarding curriculum, pedagogy, decision making authority and best practices of school and work-related relationships. Participative leadership consults and contributions are taken into account. It involves soliciting for suggestions, opinion, ideas, sharing responsibilities, involving subordinates in the planning, execution phases and integrates their suggestions into decision making prior to making a final decision. A Spearman rho correlation coefficient relation between head teachers participative leadership style and teachers job satisfaction was found to be significantly positive however, it was weak. The study concludes that absence of a coherent leadership framework in primary schools with centralized roles was a major bottleneck in enhancing head teachers capacity to provide the leadership needed to influence job satisfaction. Recommendations include developing formal framework strategy that will prepare teachers to successively ascend upwards, broaden leadership and increase participation.

Keywords: Participative style, Job satisfaction, leadership, Work relationships

Edition: Volume 7 Issue 9, September 2018,

Pages: 1623 - 1627

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