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Research Paper | Philosophy | India | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Critical Reflections on the Article What is Ethics in Research and Why is it Important? by David B. Resnik
Samhita K
Abstract: The article titled What is Ethics in Research & Why is it Important by David B. Resnik highlights the meaning of ethics, its defining characteristics, the codes and policies for research ethics, ethical decision making in research, promoting ethical conduct in science and three thought-provoking case studies. Dr. Resnik commences the essay with the connotations of the term ethics. He lays out different rules for distinguishing between right and wrong, like the Golden Rule, the Hippocratic Oath, the Ten Commandments, sagacious aphorisms of eminent historical figures like Confucius, etc. The run-of-the-mill definition of the word ethics is this norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. There is a fundamental loophole in this commonly accepted definition acceptable and unacceptable behaviours vary from culture to culture. For instance, in Russia, smiling at strangers is considered an Americanism and is looked upon as being insincere. In addition, if you smile at strangers, they might label you as a simpleton. While this may not be the norm or unacceptable in Russia, it is not the case in India or USA.
Keywords: ethics, research, ethical conduct, behaviour
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 1299 - 1300
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