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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
The Characterization of Coal-Fired Particulates in Electric Steam Power Plant - X, North Sumatra
Hendri Prananta, Soemarno, Amin Setyo Leksono, Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Abstract: The Coal derived from the mine often does not meet the requirements that are in accordance with the wishes of consumers (users) or by industries that need it. Coal related problem is the tendency that coal is very difficult to fulfill the requirement of clean energy utilization in Electric Steam Power Plant that matches environmentally friendly criteria. Various kinds of problems put forward from the use of coal in the processing of the steam power plant is a relatively large fly ash when compared with large companies abroad. To achieve optimal production yield, Electric Steam Power Plant has obstacle in the form of gas tendency in the form of fly ash and lack of handling or alternative tool that pay attention to environmental sustainability. Therefore, washing is part of a series of coal procurement process in accordance with consumer wishes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the coal characteristics of the mines used by the power plant based on the provisions of the quality / standard in order not to pollute the environment, to examine the results of the proximate analysis of the washing coal which is bought to know the effect of coal combustion and to know the particulate concentration of fly ash coal in Electric Steam Power Plant X and the impact it has on the environment. The methodology used is exploratory survey method and using qualitative descriptive analysis using approach method of Standard Operational Procedure SEM (Scanning Electron Miscroscope), XRD (X-Ray Diffraction), and XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence). Based on the result analysi in this study using proximate analysis, it is produced that the coal used as fuel in the X-power plant has been in accordance with the provisions applicable to the utilization of coal in the Electric Steam Power Plant - X. In the analysis results using XRD seen that there are content of Alumina, Cacium Titanium Iron Oxide, Hedenbergite, Quartz and Magnetite. The XRF analysis result obtained fly ash composition from Silo and from disposal area. The conclusion of this study is the preparation activity (leaching of coal) can significantly decrease ash content, where ash content of coal bait based on floating-settling test at -70 + 50 mm is 7.91 % and in size -50 + 32 mm is 5.73 % and the size of -32 + 2.3 is 6.73 % and the calculation of particulate fly ash coal concentration around Electric Steam Power Plant - X exiting with the exhaust gas does not exceed the threshold required by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2014. Hopefully this research will be useful for stakeholders both in electricity world, industry, academia and many coal mining practitioners so as to provide information on the characteristics and characteristics of the coal used so that it can be designed the combustion tool in accordance with the characteristics of the coal and facilitate the preparation coal on its utilization.
Keywords: Coal, Fly Ash, SEM Scanning Electron Miscroscope, XRD X-Ray Diffraction, and XRF X-Ray Fluorescence
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 10, October 2018
Pages: 1673 - 1677
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