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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | Indonesia | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Efficient Energy Use Education Strategy in Bunaken PLTS
Sarina Julien Binti, Zainal Fanani, Endah Setyowati, Bagyo Yanuwiadi
Abstract: The energy-saving movement is no longer a rhetoric but is a part of the personal moral responsibility of the community, business entities and all components of the nation. Saver, efficient and effective behavior in energy use should be part of daily culture and lifestyle. Energy is used wisely that is efficient and rational without reducing comfort, health and productivity. PLTS is a government program to develop new renewable energy sources to reduce the use of non-renewable energy derived from fossil materials. This study uses the Importance-Peformance Analysis (IPA) technique. This technique consists of two components, namely quadrant analysis and gap analysis. In conducting research, this method will be used to analyze descriptively the quality of services, seen based on the level of suitability between the services expected (consumer interests) and perceived services (company performance)
Keywords: Education, Renewable Energy, Solar Plant, Electricity, Bunaken Island
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Pages: 123 - 127
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