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Research Paper | Mathematics | Philippines | Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Problem Solving Processes of Mathematically Skilled Filipino Students
Alberto D. Yazon
Abstract: This phenomenological study aimed to develop better understanding of problem solving processes of first year mathematically skilled teacher education students at the Laguna State Polytechnic University, Los Baos Campus, Los Baos Laguna. Eight (8) First Year Teacher Education students were chosen as the participants of this study. They were selected based on their academic standing in the preliminary and midterm grading period in Mathematics I (Fundamentals of Mathematics). The researcher conducted interviews, discussions and participant observation, and representing it from the perspective of the research participants. Qualitative analysis of the study resulted in two groups of students: Group A included four students who were successful in discovering the solutions of the given problem while Group B is composed of another four students who were not able to solve the problem correctly. Group A students conform with the expected problem solving processes which include understanding the problem, devising a plan through representation, carrying out the plan using appropriate algorithms and looking back or checking if the solution works. On the other hand, Group B is also considered as skilled math students but failed to use any illustration that will guide them as they go along with the problem. It can be concluded that being skilled in mathematics does not guarantee that one is a good problem solver too. Students need explicit instruction on how to use visualization to represent problems. They should be reminded that in using both verbal translation and visual representation, they are not only guided toward understanding the problem, but they are also guided toward developing a plan to solve the problem and thus, become a better problem solver. The Mathematics instructor needs to assess the problem solving processes of non-skilled mathematics students so that their strengths and weaknesses will be determined. In doing so, more appropriate teaching strategy can be applied.
Keywords: Problem Solving Processes Mathematically Skilled Filipino Students
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 11, November 2018
Pages: 1930 - 1832
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