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Research Paper | Education Management | Lebanon | Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
The Effect of Using GeoGebra in Geometric Construction of Grade 7 Students
Dr. Sanaa Shehayeb, Mohammad Anouti, Mohammad Akkawi
Abstract: The objectives of this action analytical research were to examine the usage of the mathematical educational software Geobebra and to observe its impact on students math achievements in understanding some geometric properties and drawing convex and concave polygons such as triangles and quadrilaterals in grade seven in the elementary level. The researcher did not aim other classes and other levels to leave the door open for other researches to study the impact of using GeoGebra on students geometric construction not only in 2D geometry but also in 3D space geometry in the secondary level. The study was implemented in two grade seven sections (A and B) with ten students in every section, and was consisted of an experimental group (section A) and a control group (section B) targeting the benefit of using information and communication technology (ICT) through the dynamic software GeoGebra to better understand drawing geometric polygons such as equilateral and isosceles triangles. The study utilized a one phase quantitative design. The instruments employed for this study were a pre-test that was distributed to students in both sections A and B to test their prerequisites about triangles and quadrilaterals after which a post-test was distributed to the same students to assess the effect of GeoGebra on improving students geometric understanding and construction, and finally a 5 point-likert scale survey of standardized items that was distributed to the experimental group students to capture their thoughts toward using the GeoGebra software and how far it was helpful for a better understanding of the subject material in the classrooms. The statistics used for the data collected concerning the study were descriptive inferential statistics using the mean and the standard deviation, in addition to the frequency and the percent to better understand the features of the research as well as the paired-samples t-test. According to the results of the study the researcher concluded that the GeoGebra software has a positive effect on students geometric understanding and construction in grade seven in drawing polygons and quadrilaterals, and understanding diverse properties because of the software practicality by translating theories into clear images and by allowing students to reposition these images for a better understanding of proper geometric constructions and properties of diverse triangles and quadrilaterals.
Keywords: GeoGebra, control group, experimental group, geometric understanding, geometric construction, concave and convex polygons
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 12, December 2018
Pages: 820 - 827
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