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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Urodynamic Profile in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with or Without Inguinal Hernia
Tyagi Ankit, Kumar Ajay, Andley Manoj, Saha Sudipta, Talwar Nikhil
Abstract: URODYNAMIC PROFILE IN PATIENTS WITH BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA (BPH) WITH OR WITHOUT INGUINAL HERNIA TYAGI ANKIT, KUMAR AJAY, ANDLEY MANOJ, SAHA SUDIPTA, TALWAR NIKHIL INTRODUCTION - Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are commonest conditions seen in elderly males which may be a manifestation of bladder outlet obstruction due to various causes such as increased prostate mass, bladder wall thickening, stricture urethra etc. which can be evaluated by urodynamic study and IPSS score. BPH can be associated with inguinal hernia. Hence this study was taken up to find the correlatiom between BPH, inguinal hernia and LUTS. MATERIALS AND METHODS- 60 patients of age more than 40 years with diagnosed BPH were included in the study, group 1 included 30 patients with inguinal hernia and group 2 included 30 patients without inguinal hernia. All patients were assessed using the IPSS score and urodynamic profile which included Qmax, Post void residue (PVR), detrusor pressure, urethral pressure, bladder compliance, bladder contractility index. RESULTS- urodynamic profile of the two groups included the following findings- Max flow rate, PVR and urethral pressure had a significant correlation in the two groups. There was lower mean Qmax in group 1, PVR was higher in group 2 and urethral pressure was similar in both the groups. Other parameters like detrusor pressure, bladder compliance and bladder contractility index had no significant correlation between the two groups. IPSS score had no significant correlation in two groups. Group 1 had higher IPSS score than group 2 suggesting more severe symptoms in group 1 i. e. with inguinal hernia. CONCLUSION- Patients of BPH with inguinal hernia had higher values of mean IPSS score. Mean Qmax was significantly lower in patients with inguinal hernia suggesting LUTS is more severe in such patients. Thus urodynamic study along with IPSS gives a more specific diagnosis in patients with bladder outlet obstruction.
Keywords: Ankit, tyagi, urodynamic, ipss, benign prostatic hyperplasia, inguinal hernia
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 1, January 2019
Pages: 736 - 741
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