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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Electrical Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Analysis, Simulation and Experimental Implementation of Perturb and Observe Algorithm for PV Systems using Boost Converter
Kavitha B P
Abstract: Energy and resources are limited whereas human wants are unlimited. Hence the need arises for the usage of renewable energy. Reliable electricity in recent days around the world is provided by renewable energy. The consequence of it is the evolution from dirty, coal-burning power generating plants that harm public health, causing imbalance in our ecosystem. We heed towards cleaner, more sustainable sources of electricity by utilizing the renewable energy. The world can pursue this clean energy transformation by the recent, modern technologies, while maintaining a dependable and inexpensive electricity system. The dispersion of PV systems as distributed generators in low-voltage grid has drawn enough attention. In addition, the need for overall grid efficiency and reliability has boosted the interest in the micro grid concept. High-efficiency PV-based microgrids require maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controllers to maximize the harvested energy due to the nonlinearity in PV module characteristics. Modified P and O MPPT technique helps in achieving adaptive tracking. There are no steady-state oscillations around the MPP and hence there is no need for predefined system-dependent constants. Resultant of it provides a generic design in providing a generic core design.
Keywords: MPPT, Perturb & Observe method, microgrids, photo voltaics
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019
Pages: 332 - 337
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