International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Information Technology | India | Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019 | Rating: 6.7 / 10

Augmented Reality Based Book Visualization Using Marker Based Technique

Bhaskar Kapoor | Eeshaan Raaj Kalra | Deepak Navaria

Abstract: Augmented reality (AR) belongs to computer displays which provide additional virtual information to a user's sensory perceptions. AR usually focuses on see-through devices, which are worn on the head that overlay graphics and text on the user's view of environment. In layman's term it overlays graphics over a real world environment in real time. Procuring the right information at the right time and at the right place is the key in such applications. What makes augmented reality different is how the information is presented that is, not on a separate display but along with the user's perceptions. An AR system adds the real world with virtual (computer generated) objects that appear to coexist in the same space as the real world. In this project, we were entrusted with exploring modern innovations and industry practices in the area of Augmented Reality. This consciousness was used to create an interactive AR Book using AR application. This study aimed to implement Augmented Reality on images or diagrams of photosynthesis, water cycle and pollution by recognizing the images as marker and to add their 3-D view on top of the images in the device upon recognition. This way, a person develops more interest towards his/her studies. The person also has an option to study from a video to make the understanding of the subject easier.

Keywords: Marker Based Technique

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 2, February 2019,

Pages: 1453 - 1455

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