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Research Paper | Manufacturing Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019 | Popularity: 7.2 / 10
Repair and Maintenance Cost Analysis of Diesel Engines of Same Make Models using Weibull Distribution Method: A Case Study on JKSRTC
Irfan Ahmad Lone
Abstract: - Almost all the vehicles that are maintained and run by the Jammu and kashmir state road transport corporation run on diesel engines. For diesel engines the failure rate frequency increases with age and use of engine. The project discusses the prediction of accumulated repair and maintenance cost of the diesel engines against their usage in hours. Recorded data from the JKSRTC service station is used to determine regression models for predicting total repair and maintenance (R & M) costs based on total usage hours. The statistical result of the study indicates that in order to predict total R & M cost, it is more useful for replacement decisions than annual charge. The preventive and corrective maintenance cost of the diesel engines is very important for deciding the appropriate time to replace the diesel engine on the basis of repair and maintenance cost. There are various overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) techniques by virtue of which we can calculate the breakdown hours of individual machine for a definite period that is monthly or yearly which helps to get a detailed record for the management that how the mishandling of machines can increase the breakdown hour which in turn would affect the entire system. Many tools like calculating MTTR, MTTF, BDH, availability etc. help us to develop a genuine prediction schedule. The aim of this study is to provide a statistical analysis for the repair and maintenance cost of diesel engines in order to present an appropriate mathematical model implementation models for the repair and maintenance costs of diesel engines to provide planner and policy maker and also owners an opportunity to evaluate performance of diesel engine economics.
Keywords: MTTR, MTBF, BDH, Availability, Maintenance
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 3, March 2019
Pages: 529 - 531
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