A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Behavioral Problems of Preschool Children among Parents in Selected Urban and Rural Area
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019 | Popularity: 7 / 10


A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Behavioral Problems of Preschool Children among Parents in Selected Urban and Rural Area

Swati Sangole

Abstract: Introduction: Normal children are healthy, happy and well adjusted. This adjustment is developed by providing basic emotional needs along with physical and physiological needs for their mental well- being. The emotional needs are considered as emotional food for healthy behavior. The children are dependent on their parents, so parents are responsible for fulfilment of the emotional needs. Every child should have tender loving care and sense of security about protection from parents and family members. They should have opportunity for development of independence, trust, confidence and self-respect. There should be adequate social and emotional interaction with discipline. The child should get scope for self-expression and recreation. Parent should be aware of about achievements of their children and express acceptance of positive attitude with in the social norms. The preschool years extending from approximately 3 to 5 years of age Common behavioral problems of childhood are temper tantrum, breath holding spell, thumb sucking, nail biting, enuresis, pica, tics, and stuttering or stammering, delayed speech and attention deficit disorder. Objectives: 1 To assess the knowledge regarding behavior problem of preschool children among parents in urban area.2. To assess the knowledge regarding behavior problem of preschool children among parents in rural area.3. To compare the knowledge regarding behavior problems of preschool children among the parents in urban and rural area.4. To find out the association between knowledge score with demographic variable among parents in urban and rural area. Methods and materials: The research approach used was descriptive survey approach. The research design selected for the study was a Descriptive Comparative design. Setting of the study: The setting was selected rural and urban area. The sample includes The parent of preschool children in selectedurban and rural area; sampling technique was used Simple Random sampling. Result and discussion: The findings of the present study showed that, the urban sample score was higher than the rural knowledge score. The comparison of rural and urban knowledge score showed that there was a significant difference in knowledge scores at 5 % level of significance ( p < 0.05).

Keywords: preschool children, rural area, urban area, parents, behavioural problems, behaviour, temper tantrum, tics

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019

Pages: 238 - 240

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Swati Sangole, "A Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge regarding Behavioral Problems of Preschool Children among Parents in Selected Urban and Rural Area", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019, pp. 238-240, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20196751, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20196751
