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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Cognitive Chatbot
Aditya.G. Tadadikar, Ruchita.P. Tamore, Diksha.G. Tiwari, Ajay Sirsat
Abstract: In this modern era of technology, chatbots are proving to be the most useful tool in the field of conversational services. Basically, a bot is a software application that is used to run automated tasks over the internet. Typically, bots perform tasks that are simple as well as structurally repetitive, at a rate that is much higher than would be possible for a human alone. The current situation of social media platforms is worsened by people by posting nasty comments or photos. To eliminate this issue, the idea of building the chatbot as a solution to this issues is what our project idea aims on. In our proposed system, chatbot is a virtual person who can effectively monitor human activities on social sites using, Natural Language Processing and Visual Recognition. In short, chatbot is another way of humans interacting with software. A chatbot can take decisions on its own as well. The following idea gives an overview of IBM Cloud based chatbot technology and how a chatbot can be cognitive as well.
Keywords: Chatbot, Natural Language Processsing, Visual Recognition, IBM Cloud
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Pages: 890 - 892
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