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Research Paper | Pharmaceutical Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Importance of Pacakagni and Theoretical Use for Rasonaghrit
Dr. Anil Kumar
Abstract: Pacakagni is stated to be responsible for digestion and metabolism. It is of four kinds based on the involvement of dosaj. First veriety is not associated with dosas and it is called samagni state and it is the physiological state of agni. Remaining three varieties of agni are pathological ones and which are responsible for improper functions. Visamagni state due to vata. Tisnagni state due to pitta. Mandagni state due to kaph. Samagni state of agni is the conditions in which dosas are in equilibrium state of agni is the condition in which dosas are in education and metabolism functions. Vismagni is the state in which improper digestion and metabolism takes place i. e. some times perforus normal functions follows by abnormal one and manifest flatulence abdominal pain. upword movement of vata inside the kostha. intestinal gurgling and straining exercise for evaclation of stool. . To manegment this agni Vranropan and Shothhara chikitsa is very important for that this drug should have properties like Dahaprashmana, Amashayakshata sandhan, Pittashamak, Amlatanashak, shothhara considering above factor Rasonadghrit.
Keywords: pacakagni, mandagni, vishamagni, dosha
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019
Pages: 765 - 767
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