Studies on Growth and Characterization of Undoped and L-Alanine Doped Ammonium Sulfate Semi Organic Crystals
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Physics Science | India | Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10


Studies on Growth and Characterization of Undoped and L-Alanine Doped Ammonium Sulfate Semi Organic Crystals

C. Marie Quintine Sherly, G. Iswarya

Abstract: Semi organic non-linear optical crystal of undoped and L-alanine doped ammonium sulfate have been synthesized and grown successfully from aqueous solution by slow evaporation technique. The grown single crystal was characterized by different instrumentation techniques such as FT-IR, UV-Vis, and Dielectric Hardness test. FT-IR studies reveal the functional groups and the optical characters were analyzed by UV-Vis spectral studies.

Keywords: Growth from solution, FT-IR, Optical transmission, Mechanical, Dielectric properties,

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019

Pages: 1005 - 1009

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C. Marie Quintine Sherly, G. Iswarya, "Studies on Growth and Characterization of Undoped and L-Alanine Doped Ammonium Sulfate Semi Organic Crystals", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 8 Issue 4, April 2019, pp. 1005-1009,, DOI:
