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Research Paper | Psychology Science | Congo | Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Diagnosis of Professional Appraisal of the Execution Staff at Gecamines S.A.
Mpande Kisimba Max
Abstract: Since the world of work has existed, employers have always wondered if their workers are working at the desired threshold and expected by them. To do this, it is important to use a tool that can assess the skills of employees. At the General Careers and Mines, Gcamines in acronym, employees are grouped into two subdivisions including the executive workforce (MOC) and the labor of execution (MOE). The first category concerns senior staff or managers (class 1), managers who are class 2 and masters cased in class 3 while the second category consists of candidates who are class 4 (classification found only at the Gecamines) and maneuvers in class 5 to 8. This study concerns only the personnel of the second category operating in the Kipushi headquarters, in the territory of the same name, which is south of the city of Lubumbashi in the interval of about thirty kilometers. It is with the help of the survey method and the questionnaire technique that we intend to conduct this study which is of paramount importance because it directly affects one of the factors of production acting on the others which is nothing other than the man.
Keywords: Diagnosis, assessment and execution staff
Edition: Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018
Pages: 1160 - 1163
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