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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
A Study to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Post Natal Complications among the Nurses Working in Selected Primary Health Centres in Sangli District
Rashmi Vinod Kale, Vijaya Kumbhar
Abstract: A study was conducted “to assess the knowledge regarding postnatal complications among the nurses working in selected Primary Health Centres in Sangli district. ” Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge regarding postnatal complications among nurses working in selected Primary Health centres, in Sangli district.2. To find out association between knowledge score regarding postnatal complications with selected demographic variables. Material and Methods: This exploratory study was used to evaluate the knowledge on postnatal complications among nurses working in selected Primary Health Centres. The researcher prepared a structured knowledge questionnaire as the tool for the study. The study adopted Health Belief Model to assess the knowledge regarding postnatal complications among the nurses working in selected Primary Health Centres in Sangli district. Result: The data shows that, there were 37.5 % nurses from 21-30 years, 29.2 % nurses were from 31-40 years age group and 33.3 % nurses from the group 40 years and above; and 120 female nurses were participated in the study; 95.8 % nurses were ANM’s and 4.2 % nurses were GNM; in experience 25.8 % nurses were having 1-5 years experience, 41.7 % nurses 6-10 years and 32.5 % nurses were 10 years and above experience. The data analysis shows that, 2.5 % nurses had poor knowledge score, 9.2 % nurses had average knowledge score, 79.2 % nurses had good knowledge score and 9.2 % nurses had excellent knowledge score regarding postnatal complications.
Keywords: Assess, Knowledge, Nurses, Postnatal Complications
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 2144 - 2149
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