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Research Paper | Environmental Science Studies | India | Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Spatial Variance in Soil Parameters and their Evaluation using Multivariate Analysis Technique
Ayantika Das, Jigna Desai
Abstract: This research was conducted to formulate a model for the identification of the most representative soil quality parameters for periodic and long term soil management. Our soil quality indices were pH, Electrical Conductivity, water holding capacity, the moisture content of the soil, nitrate content, ash content, and concentration of metals such as aluminum, lead, iron, and zinc. In our study, nine sampling locations were selected in the riverine zone of three rivers of Valsad district on the banks of the river in it’s upper to lower reach. Each site had 6 subsites collected over a span of 6 months. Here in this paper, Principle Component Analysis is utilized to analyze our data of physiochemical soil parameters formulate a predictive relationship between soil quality indices and agricultural management. Spatial variance observed in the soil physiochemical parameters was due to a change in the land use pattern as well as due to natural factors such as distance from the sea. Accordingly, there was a change in the plant diversity of the various sites. This heterogeneity in soil quality can be utilized in designing a paradigm of site-specific soil reclamation and management, which will be cost-effective and environmentally friendly. It can help us to check anthropogenic activities in specific sites to control site-specific irregularities of parameters.
Keywords: Physiochemical Parameters, Multivariate data reduction, Agglomerative clustering
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 6, June 2019
Pages: 1892 - 1898
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