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Research Paper | Aerospace Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
The Space Station
Tanvi Dilip Challirwar
Abstract: A space station, also known as orbital space station, is a spacecraft capable of supporting crewmembers, which is designed to remain in space (most commonly as an artificial satellite in low Earth orbit) for an extended period of time and for other spacecraft to dock. India's broadening spaceflight ambitions now include a longer-term presence in Earth's orbit. Indian Space Research Organization Chief K Sivan recently revealed plans to launch a space station around 2030. It will be a relatively small station where astronauts would only stay for 15 to 20 days, but that should be enough to allow microgravity experiments. Apart from the partner countries involved with the International Space Station, only China, Russia and the US have operated orbital homes away from home. It also shows that India intends to catch up on many aspects of space flight it fully intends on competing with spaceflight veterans. In this paper we summarize the development of Indian space station
Keywords: Space station, Indian space station, artificial satellite, Almaz and Salyut series, Skylab, Mir, Tiangong 1, Tiangong 2
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019
Pages: 162 - 166
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