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Research Paper | Nuclear Research | Bangladesh | Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
Calculation of Astrophysical S-factor for the 60Ni(p,y)61Cu Reaction Below Coulomb Barrier
Animesh Kumer Chakraborty
Abstract: Astrophysical S-factor was calculated for the reaction 60Ni (p,) 61Cu, on the basis of experimental cross-section data, as a function of the incident proton energy ranges from 1.49 MeV to 3.96 MeV. Since the literature values of this reaction is rather scarce in low-energy region, the astrophysical S-factor was calculated which describes the possibility of the reaction to occur. The Coulomb-barrier potential, Sommerfeld parameter and the Gamow factor were also calculated in the centre-of-mass (C. M) system for the estimation of the probability of penetrating the Coulomb barrier through tunneling effect which leads to an insight of the mechanism of low-energy light-charged particle capture reactions those are very important for astrophysical aspects.
Keywords: Astrophysical S-factor, p, -reaction, excitation function, reaction threshold, Coulomb barrier, Gamow factor, Sommerfeld parameter
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 10, October 2019
Pages: 1737 - 1740
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