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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
An Exploratory Study to Identify the Behavioural Problems and their Relationship With Demographic Variables among 6-14 Years Government School Going Children of Patiala District, Punjab
Balwinder Kaur, Anmol Singh, Avinash, Anupamdeep Kaur
Abstract: The recent study was conducted to identify the behavioural problems and their relationship with their demographic variables among 6-14 years government school going children of Patiala district, Punjab. A quantitative approach with exploratory study design was used with a view to develop the guidelines along with the objectives. The data was collected using selected demographic variables of teachers and children, and standardised tool Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire. The results revealed that majority 282 (92.2 %) of children had very high behavioural problem among children with an average mean and SD of 24.714.424. The association between overall behavioural problems of children with demographic variables revealed that age, gender and occupational status of mother was found statistically significant with overall behavioural problems of children. The result revealed that demographic variables such as birth order, type of family and educational status of mother was found statistically significant with conduct behavioural problems, demographic variables such as age and birth order was found statistically significant with hyperactivity behavioural problems, demographic variables such as gender, number of family members and dietary habits was found statistically significant with peer behavioural problems, occupational status of mother was found statistically highly significant with pro-social behavioural problems of children. Thus it was concluded that more and more training programmes and seminars should be carried out for teachers to identify the behavioural problems at the initial stages.
Keywords: Behavioural problems, Government school going children, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 11, November 2019
Pages: 283 - 285
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