International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Biomedical Sciences | Indonesia | Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019 | Rating: 6.8 / 10

Forehand Groundstroke Tennis; Movement Analysis for Beginning Players

David Siahaan | Pangondian Hotliber Purba [2] | Muhammad Faisal Ansari Nasution

Abstract: This study aims to determine the general mistakes made by beginner tennis players when doing forehand groundstroke techniques in tennis. This needs to be done so that the player does not make a permanent mistake in the movement because they do not understand what is wrong with the movement that was done. By doing the right technique you will be able to hit the ball more consistently and also stronger. This research was conducted on beginner tennis players aged 19 ± 2 years who have done exercises > 30 times. Samples of university students doing physical activities every day. Movement analysis is carried out by referring to three indicators namely (1) back swing, (2) forward swing and (3) follow through. There are 17 sub-indicators that make up the three indicators. Besides that, the accuracy and power of the stroke are also analyzed using the forehand groundstroke instrument. The results showed that the truth of the movement of beginner tennis players to do forehand groundstroke is only 65.9 % consisting of 67.7 % on back swing, 70.7 % on forward swing and 48.7 on the follow through. In the placement of the forehand groundstroke 23.8 % of the ball is placed at point 1, 18.2 % of the ball is placed at point 2, 14.1 % of the ball can be placed at point 3 and 12.6 % of the ball can be placed at point 4 whereas the rest of the ball failed to enter the court at 31.3 %. In the power groundstroke forehand, beginning players hit the ball falling in zone 1 by 9.2 %, in zone 2 by 18.7 % and in zone 3 by 40.8 % while the rest of the ball did not enter or involve on the net at 31.3 %. Beginner players and coaches also need to pay attention to every movement of the back swing, forward swing and follow through because it is the key to the success of hitting the ball both for accuracy and power of strokes.

Keywords: Tennis, Forehand Groundstroke, Movement Analysis

Edition: Volume 8 Issue 12, December 2019,

Pages: 1386 - 1389

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