Evaluation of High Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Index and Virulent Factors among Clinical Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Microbiology | India | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10


Evaluation of High Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Index and Virulent Factors among Clinical Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

D. Jayarajan, V. Abirami, V.M.A.Dreviyaraj, V. Akashya

Abstract: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the leading causes of hospital-acquired as well as community-acquired infections globally. The present study evaluated the prevalence of High multiple antibiotic resistant P. aeruginosa in the clinical environment and also determine the virulence factors which aids the organism for its multi drug resistant characteristics. The study examined 90 clinical samples in which 21 (23.3 %) isolates of P. aeruginosa were recovered from the total clinical samples. Among them 3 (14.2 %) were from burns, 9 (42.8 %) from Pus, 6 (28.57 %) from wound swabs and 3 (14.2 %) from sputum were isolated, identified and further confirmed by both phenotypic and 16srRNA method. Antibiogram, MAR index and the virulence factors contributes its part in the pathogenicity of the organism were also determined. There should be surveillance programs for the detection of MDR organisms in every locality. Infection control programs need to be implemented with quality control in every clinical setting.

Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, MAR index, Protease, Slime activity, lecithinase

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020

Pages: 598 - 603

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D. Jayarajan, V. Abirami, V.M.A.Dreviyaraj, V. Akashya, "Evaluation of High Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Index and Virulent Factors among Clinical Strains of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020, pp. 598-603, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20204037, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20204037
