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Research Paper | Chemistry | India | Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Soil Quality Evaluation (For Heavy Metals) in Coastal Region of PSR Nellore Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India
C. Masthan, P. M. N. Prasad, Y. V. Rami Reddy
Abstract: PSR Nellore district is famous for agricultural and Aquaculture activities in Andhra Pradesh. The study has been conducted in coastal region of Nellore district to understand the contamination levels of heavy metals in both agricultural land soil and aquaculture land soils. For this Study 20 soil samples were collected in 12 mandals of Coastal Region of PSR Nellore Dist, A. P. India in March 2019. The soil sampling was performed in-line to USEPA soil sampling guidelines. Each soil samples were collected in three different depths (30centimeter depth, 60 centimeters depth and 90 centimeters depth) from surface level and made the grab sample and made homogeneous sample. The homogeneous sample is used for the determination of heavy metals. The concentration of heavy metals was measured by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) & ICP-MS techniques. The concentration levels are summarized in Results and discussion.
Keywords: PSR Nellore District- Coastal Region-Heavy metals contamination Soils ICP-OES
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 1, January 2020
Pages: 1120 - 1124
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