A Comparative Evaluation of Superficial Cervical Plexus Block Versus Local Infiltration for Pain Relief during Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation in Awake Patients - A Prospective Randomised Study
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Anaesthesiology | India | Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 | Popularity: 7 / 10


A Comparative Evaluation of Superficial Cervical Plexus Block Versus Local Infiltration for Pain Relief during Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation in Awake Patients - A Prospective Randomised Study

Dr. Venkata Karthik Reddy Kovvuri, Dr. Vishnumahesh Babu Batchu

Abstract: Introduction: Cannulation of Internal Jugular Vein is an important requirement in patients undergoing major surgeries. It is usually established before the surgery under local infiltration and mild sedation. However, most patients experience significant pain which increases the stress and anxiety to patient who about to undergo a major procedure. The superficial cervical plexus block is a better alternative to local infiltration in these patients and increases patient satisfaction and decreases preoperative stress. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled study was done to compare the effect of superficial cervical plexus block and local infiltration on pain during Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation. Sixty patients of ASA I - III were enrolled in the study. They were randomly assigned to group S to receive Superficial Cervical Plexus Block or group L to receive local infiltration. The patients vital data were monitored throughout the procedure and pain scores were assessed during various stages of the cannulation. Results: There was significant difference in pain scores between the groups during subcutaneous tunnelling and suturing. None of the patients in either group developed any complications. Conclusion: Superficial cervical plexus block is superior to local infiltrationfor pain relief during internal jugular vein cannulation.

Keywords: internal jugular vein, superficial cervical plexus block, local infiltration

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020

Pages: 118 - 120

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Dr. Venkata Karthik Reddy Kovvuri, Dr. Vishnumahesh Babu Batchu, "A Comparative Evaluation of Superficial Cervical Plexus Block Versus Local Infiltration for Pain Relief during Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation in Awake Patients - A Prospective Randomised Study", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020, pp. 118-120, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=ART20204572, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/ART20204572
