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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Seismic Evaluation of a Multi-Strorey Building with RC Moment Resistance Frame and Shear Wall
Naveen, Arabinda Sharma
Abstract: In the era of rapid urbanization multi-storey buildings are the only solutions for overcoming the problems scarcity of availability of land and its increasing cost. However, it should be should be designed to withstand the lateral loads exerted by wind and earthquake within the limits prescribed by the prevailing Standards of the region. For tall building, Earthquake forces, static and dynamic in nature, may behave non-linearly. The nonlinearity is generally observed in geometry and materials of the building. Seismic resistance of buildings is a need-based concept aimed at improving the enforcement of any building under future earthquakes. Thus, the present study is based on seismic analysis which incorporates geometric nonlinearity in the analysis. In the present study the seismic analysis of multistory (G+6) hypothetical building with moment resisting (MR) frame and Structural wall (Shear wall) was analyzed. The seismic information considered for the present work was zone IV (hazard factor 0.24) as per IS code 1893: 2002 in the Bhiwani region. The building seismic performance was evaluated using various parameters such as fundamental period, base shear, seismic drift, stability coefficient, P-delta analysis, inter-story drift, displacement. The evaluation of seismic performance of the building indicates that both the moment resisting (MR) frame and shear wall have improved the seismic performance of the building but MR frame appeared to have better alternative than shear wall for resisting the seismic force.
Keywords: Seismic Analysis, Moment resisting frame, Shear wall, Lateral Displacement, Story Drift, P-delta effect
Edition: Volume 8 Issue 8, August 2019
Pages: 2166 - 2173
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