International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Rating: 6 / 10

A Review on Study of Design Optimization Technique of Mechanical Component

Kanchan S. Gaikwad | Shekhar G. Shinde | Ranjitsinha R Gidde

Abstract: This paper is going to present a broad overview of a few researchers who have completed various designs optimization projects during the past couple of years. There are many advantages to designing light weight products, such as lower material consumption, shorter production times, and lower energy consumption, resulting in a more efficient product development process. It is explained in this review article how design optimization and topology optimization may be applied to any machine or automobile component and how they may be used as a means of optimizing performance. Numerical optimization techniques can be used in order to design various components by optimizing their size, shape, and structure using numerical computations. It optmise the material distribution in a design part or product. Basically, Topology Optimization (TO) is the process of removing the unwanted or excessive mass from the components in order to maintain their strength and functionality. A TO design is different from shapes optimization and sizing optimization, in that it can be shaped into any shape within its architectural space, rather than relying on predefined configurations to achieve any shape. In the literature review, it was shown that optimizing the mass interns was possible through the change in materials as well as trial - and - error method by changing the design of the component. Through the process of reverse engineering and reference data gathering, the design parameters of mechanical components are studied and 3D modelling is performed using Solidworks 2020 software in order to find the best solution. There are a number of features integrated within the software package ANSYS 19.0 that allow direct topology optimization to be used as a tool for mass optimization.

Keywords: Topology optimization, design, FEA analysis, SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023,

Pages: 1829 - 1831

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