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Research Paper | Diagnostic Radiology | Saudi Arabia | Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2013 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) using Colour Duplex Imaging (CDI) versus D Dimer Test.
Nadia A.Salih, BushraH.Almalik, Abu Naib BaderEldin
Abstract: Several diagnostic strategies using ultrasound imaging, measurement of D-dimer, and assessment of clinical probability of disease have proved safe in patients with suspected deep-vein thrombosis,. The purpose of this review is to discuss the utility of venous ultrasonography as the foundation for diagnosis of lower extremity DVT. The effectiveness and practicality of venous ultrasonography as a stand-alone examination versus D-dimer testing in the diagnosis of DVT. Inpatients and Outpatients presenting with suspected lower-extremity deep-vein thrombosis were potentially eligible. Using a clinical model, physicians evaluated the patients and categorized them as likely or unlikely to have deep-vein thrombosis. The patients were then randomly assigned to undergo ultrasound imaging alone (control group) or to undergo D-dimer testing (D-dimer group) followed by ultrasound imaging unless the D-dimer test was negative and the patient was considered clinically unlikely to have deep-vein thrombosis, in which case ultrasound imaging was not performed. The study consisted of 300 Saudi patients were 121 males (40.3 %) and 179 females (59.7 %). In our study D- Dimer test was positive in 286 (95.3 %) with sensitivity (95.3 %) and specificity (83.3 %). comparison with Color Duplex Imaging (CDI) showed that 274 positive patients 91.3 % had sensitivity (91.7 %) and specificity (97.1 %).
Keywords: Diagnosis, Clinical, Ultra Sonography, Patients, D-Dimer group
Edition: Volume 2 Issue 6, June 2013
Pages: 37 - 40
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