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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
A Study to Assess the Knowledge of School Children Regarding Dengue Fever and Its Prevention in Selected Rural Area of Udaipur with a View to Develop an Information Booklet
Akash Sompura
Abstract: Introduction: There are many diseases illness arising because of environmental changes that may be caused by human activities and geographical conditions. Dengue fever (DF) is a mosquito - borne viral infection causing a severe flu - like illness and, sometimes causing a potentially lethal complication called severe dengue transmitted by bites of Aedesaegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquito. Symptoms of infection characterized by a sudden onset of high fever (103 - 106?F), severe headache, backache, intense pain in joints and muscles, retro - orbital pain, nausea and vomiting and a generalized erythematous rash that usually begin 4 - 7 days after the mosquito bite and typically last 3 - 10 days. Statement of the problem: ?A study to assess the knowledge of school children regarding dengue fever and it?s prevention in selected rural area of Udaipur with a view to develop an information booklet? Objectives: 1) To assess the pre - test knowledge of school children on dengue fever and its prevention in selected rural area of Udaipur. 2) To assess the effectiveness of information booklet on dengue fever and its prevention among school children in selected rural area of Udaipur. 3) To assess the post - test knowledge score on dengue fever and its prevention among school children in selected rural area of Udaipur. 4) To find out association between pre - test knowledge score of school children on dengue fever and its prevention with selected demographic variables. Hypotheses: H1: There will be a significant difference between pre - test and post - test knowledge scores on dengue fever and its prevention among school children in selected rural area of Udaipur. H2: There will be a significant association between the knowledge of school children regarding dengue fever and its prevention and selected demographic variables. Major Findings: The level of knowledge among school children in selected rural area of Udaipur regarding dengue fever and its prevention was assessed in pre - test out of 100 respondents 52 % had inadequate knowledge, 48 % school children in selected rural area of Udaipur had moderate knowledge and no school children in selected rural area of Udaipur had adequate knowledge regarding dengue fever and its prevention. The level of knowledge among school children in selected rural area of Udaipur regarding dengue fever and its prevention was assessed that in post - test out of 100 respondents 90% had moderate knowledge and 10% had adequate knowledge. The overall mean of pre - test knowledge among school children in selected rural area of Udaipur regarding dengue fever and its prevention as 14.68 with standard deviation of 4.06 and mean of post - test was 20.5 with standard deviation of 1.97. The mean score of post test knowledge 20.5 was apparently higher than the mean score of pre - test knowledge 14.68, suggesting that the information booklet was effective in increasing the knowledge of the school children in selected rural area of Udaipur regarding dengue fever and its prevention. The mean difference 5.82 between pre - test and post - test knowledge score of the school children in selected rural area of Udaipur was found to be significant. The study revealed that there is no significant association between pre - test knowledge score of respondents and demographic variables such as age in years (0) and educational status (0.48). The study also revealed that there is significant association between pretest knowledge score of respondent?s demographic variables such as, gender (8.83), types of family (8.83), have knowledge about dengue fever (96.24), if yes, from where you got information about dengue fever (58.75), Hence the hypothesis is accepted at 0.05 level of significance.
Keywords: Knowledge, Assess, Dengue fever, Information Booklet
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 11, November 2023
Pages: 168 - 168
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