A Study to Assess the Occupational Stress and Level of Job Satisfaction among the Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital in District Mohali, Punjab
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Masters Thesis | Nursing | India | Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025 | Popularity: 5.3 / 10


A Study to Assess the Occupational Stress and Level of Job Satisfaction among the Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital in District Mohali, Punjab


Abstract: Background of the study: Along with the increased demand and progress in the nursing profession. The stress among the nurses has also increased. It is usually observed that nursing profession undergoes tremendous stress. This results in stress which affects patient care, job performance and job satisfaction. Health care sector is one among the growing sector in India and the employees working here are highly stressed. Stress is a major factor in bringing down the satisfaction level of employees. Job satisfaction and work performance of the nurse within hospital is becoming vital concern for the organizational management and thus to achieve goals and objectives. Nurses are usually made responsible for non - nursing activities which cause extra burden of work on them. A non nursing activity then would be an activity that does not require a great deal of judgment or decision making based on nursing knowledge or expertise and does not change based on the individual client or situation. Aim and objectives of the study: 1) To assess the occupational stress and level of job satisfaction among staff nurses working in selected hospital. 2) To find out the association between occupational stress and level of job satisfaction with selected socio demographic variables among the staff nurses working at selected hospital. 3) To find out the correlation between occupational stress and level of job satisfaction among the staff nurses working at selected hospital. Methodology: After approval from the ethical committee, pilot study was conducted on 10% of the total population i. e.10 samples. Content validity from various experts and reliability of the tools were 0.935 of occupation stress index and 0.978 of job satisfaction scale. The main study was conducted on 100 staff nurses working in selected hospital, District Mohali Punjab. Sample was selected by convenient sampling technique. Level of stress was assessed by using Occupation stress scale index (1984) and level of job satisfaction assessed by using job satisfaction scale (1986). Data was collected by structured interview schedule. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: In occupational stress, majority of samples 84 (84%) fall in moderate level of stress and 12 (12%) fall in sever level of stress and 4 (4%) samples fall in mild level of stress. In job satisfaction, majority of samples 54 (54%) fall under mild level of satisfaction towards their job, while 35 (35%) of samples falls under moderate level of satisfaction towards their job and remaining 11 (11%) samples are not satisfied regarding their job. There was weak negative correlation between occupational stress and level of job satisfaction. It means that increase occupational stress resulted as decreased level of job satisfaction. Socio demographic variable used for the study were age, gender, religion, type of family, marital status, having children (if yes), dependent number of the family, residence, educational status, occupational status, income, what is your current job title, how long have you work with your present organization, total experience in this job, select the description that comes closest to your present worksheet, how long have you works the shift you indicated above, how many times a week your shift changes, do you work more than 8 hours a day (if yes then how many hours), how many hours per week do you work any other job, travelling distance between your resident to work place, do you smoke and are you alcoholic. In occupational stress significant relationship was found between residence and non - significant relationship was found between the remaining socio demographic variables. In job satisfaction significant relationship found between age of the children?s and non - significant relationship was found between the remaining socio demographic variables. Conclusion: It was concluded that there was significant difference between occupational stress and level of job satisfaction. There was weak negative correlation between occupational stress and level of job satisfaction.

Keywords: Occupational stress, job satisfaction, staff nurses and hospital

Edition: Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025

Pages: 1697 - 1706

DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/MR25227155737

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Khushbu, "A Study to Assess the Occupational Stress and Level of Job Satisfaction among the Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospital in District Mohali, Punjab", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 14 Issue 2, February 2025, pp. 1697-1706, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=MR25227155737, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/MR25227155737
