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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Self Efficacy and Self Care Behaviour among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus ? A Cross Sectional Survey
Manjula GB, Dr. Jayarani Premkumar
Abstract: A Cross sectional survey was conducted to assess self efficacy and self care behavior of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and its relationship with socio demographic and morbidity related variables in a sample of 150 patients randomly selected using random number table. Setting was the out- patient diabetic clinic of a tertiary care hospital in Trivandrum, Kerala. Self efficacy was measured by Diabetes Self Efficacy Scale developed by researcher and self care behaviour was assessed by Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (Revised version) developed by DJ. Toobert et al.2000. After obtaining ethical clearance from the institution review board, data was collected from out-patients attending a diabetic clinic of a tertiary hospital in Kerala. Subjects were selected randomly using random number table. An informed written consent was obtained. Data was collected by interview method using standardised tools whose validity and reliability was ensured. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the characteristics of subjects. Frequency and percentage was used to describe level of self efficacy and self care behaviour. The relationship between self efficacy with self care behaviour and HbA1c was assessed using Spearmans Rank Correlation Chi-square test was used to find out the association of socio-demographic and morbidity variables with self efficacy self care behaviour and HbA1c values. Majority of subjects had average self efficacy and self care behaviour in domains of diet, exercise, blood sugar monitoring, medication and insulin administration and foot care. Mean HbA1c value was 8.87 0.79. A positive correlation was noted between self efficacy and self care behaviour (p<0.001). Also increase in self efficacy and self care behaviour was associated with a decrease in HbA1c values (p<0.001). It was noted that HbA1c and self efficacy was significantly associated with age (p<0.05). Duration of disease did affect HbA1c (p<0.05), self efficacy (p<0.001) and self care behaviour significantly (p<0.01). Type of treatment affected significantly HbA1c values (p<0.001) and self efficacy (p<0.05). Family history of diabetes significantly affected HbA1c (p<0.001), self efficacy (p<0.01) and self care behaviour (p<0.05). HbA1c values are significantly associated with presence of complications (p<0.01). Only a very small percentage of study subjects had good self efficacy and self care behaviour. It is noteworthy that the mean HbA1c values were much higher than the ADA recommended levels. Study revealed that an increase in self efficacy brings about an increase in self care behaviour. Also a decrease in HbA1c values is noted with an increase in self efficacy and self care behaviour.
Keywords: Self efficacy, Self care behavior, Glycemic control, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 12, December 2015
Pages: 2047 - 2051
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