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Comparative Studies | Psychology Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction between Employees of Virtual Teams and Traditional Teams
Sneha Burman, Shailaja Shastri
Abstract: The present study is a comparative study of the Job Satisfaction levels of employees of Virtual teams and Traditional teams. Job Satisfaction is pleasurable emotional state towards their job. It plays a very important role in performance and productivity of an employee in an organization. The sample consisted of 100 IT employees from different software companies of which 50 were from Traditional teams and another 50 from Virtual teams. The obtained data was analyzed using the statistical technique of independent t-test to see the difference between Traditional and Virtual teams on the Job Satisfaction levels. Results indicate that the teams do not differ significantly on their Job Satisfaction levels. Overall job satisfaction is seen higher in virtual team employees than traditional team employees. This study has implications for future research in organizational psychology and socio cultural area.
Keywords: Organizational Psychology, Job Satisfaction, Virtual teams, Traditional teams, IT employees
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Pages: 1536 - 1540
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