The Space and the Physical Time Are Interdependent On Each-Other: The Numbers Associated With the Measurement of the Physical Time Are Macroscopic, Abstract and Deviation from Idealism
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Astronomy Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10


The Space and the Physical Time Are Interdependent On Each-Other: The Numbers Associated With the Measurement of the Physical Time Are Macroscopic, Abstract and Deviation from Idealism

Prasenjit Debnath

Abstract: The space and the physical time are interdependent on each other. There are asymmetric distributions of space points in the Universe and because of that, there are asymmetries in resultant macroscopic times in different local areas (any local area has only even distribution of space points within the area, as a result, the resultant time is symmetric within the local area which means that the resultant time is same at every point within the local area but asymmetric between different local areas which means every local area has a unique resultant time). Similar reasoning can be put forward is that because the Universe has different local areas having symmetrical macroscopic resultant time within the local area and asymmetric resultant macroscopic times among different local areas, there are asymmetric distribution of space points in the Universe. In those many local areas, there are different resultant macroscopic times with different directions compared to x-axis which means that different macroscopic times sometime add each other and sometime cancel out each other to limit the real time (component along x-axis) to be within the psychological recognition range. Now, any local area can be as tiny as an atom or as big as more than a solar system or may be as large as a galaxy. The local area is that particular area where all space points are evenly distributed and because of that the macroscopic resultant time of that area is such that we can measure the same macroscopic resultant time in any particular point of that area. This is the macroscopic appearance of the physical time that can be recognizable by psychology. The resultant macroscopic time can be calculated by adding of all unit vector of time associated with each space point of a local area and finding out the real component part of the resultant macroscopic time along the x-axis which is the effective time movement of that local area. If for any local area consists of only vertically directed time vector, it implies that there is no real part of component of the physical time along the x-axis, thus no time flows in that area at least within the range of vision of psychology. If any local area consists of points with associated time vectors parallel to the x-axis, all unit vector of time associated with each space point will add up, and the resultant macroscopic time will only be increased along the x-axis. The bigger the local area, the more addition of unit time vectors associated with each point of that local area, the faster the macroscopic time flow in that local area. If the whole universe would be totally uniform in space point distribution and if the unit times are directed along the x-axis, the resultant macroscopic time vector would be infinitely fast at least on the psychological point of view. But there is in-built non-uniformity in space point distribution in the Universe so that the physical time slows down to a level that psychology can put a number on that and it makes ease and comfortable to go with along. Thus the asymmetry of the Universe puts limit to the physical time flow and time flows at different rate at the different local areas (having symmetry within the local area which can be termed as local area of symmetry) of the Universe.

Keywords: The space and the physical time, asymmetric distributions of space points, symmetrical macroscopic resultant time, unit vector of time, local area of symmetry

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016

Pages: 276 - 279


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Prasenjit Debnath, "The Space and the Physical Time Are Interdependent On Each-Other: The Numbers Associated With the Measurement of the Physical Time Are Macroscopic, Abstract and Deviation from Idealism", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016, pp. 276-279,, DOI:

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