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Dissertation Chapters | Physics Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.1 / 10
FTIR Spectral Analysis & Physico-Chemical Studies on Some L. Arginine Salts in Non-Aqueous Solution at Various Temperatures
Kannagi.K, Jasmine Vasantharani.E
Abstract: The ultrasonic velocity measurement of liquid plays an important role in the study of molecular systems. The present work deals with the molecular interaction studies on some amino acids in non-aqueous solutions at various temperatures. From the measured parameters such as velocity, density, viscosity and some derived parameters like internal pressure, free volume, Raos constant and Wadas constant are calculated. The structural changes occurring in the solution are envisaged through the FT-IR study of L-Arginine derivatives in polar solvent. From the study the existence of interactions are confirmed and the diagnostic bands observed at certain frequencies are assigned to the carbonyl stretch present is identified.
Keywords: Internal pressure, Free volume, Molecular interactions, FT-IR Spectral analysis
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Pages: 1314 - 1319
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