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Review Papers | Manufacturing Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
A Strategic and Hierarchical Approach to Implement a Flexible Manufacturing System (FMSs), its Scope and Applications: An Overview
S. C. Ram, A. K. Mandal
Abstract: In the present scenario, the faster growth of industrial managements and technologies, it is crucial to understand that how can enhance the flexibility of a manufacturing system. So in this light, in present study, the authors has been explored a systematic approach and strategic management of an industrial process in order to become more flexible and increases the flexibility of a manufacturing system. The flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is an option because of, it consists of several integrated parts, computer control system and automated numerical control system to increase the flexibility of industrial managements and processes. The present authors look forward and analyzed that, this is possible only with the successful implementation of a FMSs body to every organization. The use of integrated parts, program instructions, data collection, transportation, automated guided vehicles (AGVs) should be hierarchically and systematically arranged. In this regard, a brief overview of successful implementation, the essential components, and structure of FMSs body have been presented. The advantages and limitations of hierarchical control of FMSs and applications areas have also been given. The aim of present overview is come to provide the right pathway to many researchers, scientists, and industrialists to facilitate the advancement and active strategic management for research and developments in industrial sectors.
Keywords: Flexible Manufacturing Systems FMSs, AVGs, Numerical control NC, Hierarchical and Strategic Approaches and Flexibility
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Pages: 905 - 911
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