International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Medicine Science | Pakistan | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Rating: 6.3 / 10

Physical Activity and Wellbeing Advancing Practices in Female Physiotherapy Students of the University of Lahore

Fahad Tanveer [5] | Sana Shahid [4]

Abstract: Physical action lessens the danger of numerous wellbeing conditions. Females are less physical dynamic when contrasted with male. Numerous scientists reasoned that females had undesirable way of life. Wellbeing advancing conduct portrays the wellbeing status of a man. Sound conduct advances the personal satisfaction. The target of this study was to decide the level of physical movement and wellbeing advancing practices of Female Physiotherapy Understudies of The College of Lahore. Auxiliary target of this study was to discover the relationship between physical movement and wellbeing advancing practices. Study design was associational analytical study. Research will be conducted at The University of Lahore. The Sample size of this research was 158. Simple randomized sampling technique was used for sample selection. Out of 858 females 158 fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected randomly from all departments of The University of Lahore. Rapid assessment of physical activity tool was used to check the level of physical activity Health-promoting life style profile-II scale was used to measure the health promoting behaviours.8 (5.1 %) females scored as sedentary lifestyle and 70 (44.4 %) females scored as active on Rapid assessment of physical activity-I The mean value of Rapid assessment of physical activity-I was 4.74 (SD=1.893) which was less than 6 it showed female had suboptimal level of physical activity. The Mean value of Health promoting lifestyle profile-II was 2.41 (SD=.404). which labeled as low. Out of 6 subscales of health promoting lifestyle profile, Spiritual growth scored maximum Mean value 2.57 (SD=.558) while Health responsibility scored lowest value 2.21 (SD=.471). The R was.065 (p=0.41) that showed a weak correlation between level of physical activity and health promoting practices. This study reasoned that Female Physiotherapy Understudies were less physically dynamic. They had unfortunate way of life. Wellbeing advancing conduct likewise scored as low. Wellbeing advancing practices had no impact on physical action level of females.

Keywords: female, health promoting behavior, physical activity, medical student, unhealthy lifestyle

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,

Pages: 772 - 775

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