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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Perinatal Outcome in Teenage Pregnancy (16-19 Years)
Dr. Pooja Viradia, Dr. Nilam Prajapati, Dr. Anjani Shrivastava, Dr. Aarti Jiyani
Abstract: INTRODUCTION Adolescent pregnancy is widely recognized as one of the most complex and serious social, economic and health related problems throughout the world. Adolescent pregnancy is a high risk pregnancy and the perinatal outcome is less satisfactory than of a pregnancy in general population. AIMS AND OBJECTIVE This study aimed to find the perinatal outcome in teenage pregnancy (16-19 years). MATERIAL AND METHOD Cases of teenage pregnancies (16-19 years) admitted in labour room of New Civil Hospital, Surat during the study period of April 2014 to March 2015. Data was collected through interviews and by observations using the predesigned proforma. The first contact with the subject for data collection began immediately after delivery of baby. RESULT In this study 69 % of subjects were associated with complication. The major perinatal complications were NICU admission 57 %, Prematurity 45 %, Low birth weight 25 %, IUFD and Still births 18 %. CONCLUSION From present study we found that there are perinatal complications like NICU admissions, prematurity, low birth weight, IUFD, still births were higher in teenage pregnancy as compared to general population. For pregnant adolescent attending the antenatal clinic, extra care should be taken to ensure that the minimum number of antenatal visits is made. Appropriate and adequate counseling on different antenatal services are to be offered to them.
Keywords: Adolescent, Teenage pregnancy, observational study, perinatal outcomes
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Pages: 1328 - 1330
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