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Research Paper | Biology | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Cementation Analysis of Algae and Marine Borer Invertebrates on Boat Wood in Ambon Coastal Water of Ambon-Indonesia
Dr. Hasan Tuaputty M.Pd.
Abstract: Woods have been using for marine transportation vehichles in Central Maluku that consist of various species, however, commonly are G melina moluccana Backer, Agathis alba Foxw, Inesia amboinensis Thouaes, Calophyllum inophyllum Liin. Utilizing of those woods are still limited. Determining the proper durability standards for local and fishermen uses is needed by experimental and survey reseach to provide information for mastering local fishermen knowledge based on their education levels about woods quality and marine borers. This research based on the problems were (1) to derive information about algae and marine borers species attaching on various woods that were soaked in different depths and distances from shorelines, (2) to know the effects of boating wood materials, soaking depth locations and soaking distances of shoreline towards algae cementation. (3) To gain information about the effects of boating woods species, soaking depth locations, and soaking distances of shoreline towards marine borers abundances. Finding results of algae species and marine borers species attaching to treated woods consist of 14 species for algae and 6 species for marine borers. Those algae species are formed by genus such Clorophyceae (7 species), Rodophyceae (3 species), and Paeophyceae (4 species). Whilist, those marine borers species are Lepas sp, Balanus balanus, Chatamalus proteus, Cellana tramoserica, Styela plicata, Crassostrea ieginica. Resulting of anava analysis is described as following. Firstly, woods species significantly leavened towards the differances of algae cementation with P value = 0.000 < 0.01. The most thickness algae cementation is found in Agahtis alba Foxw and the lowest one in Calophyllum inophyllum Liin. Those all four treated woods are different each others. Secondly, soaking distances of shoreline is highly significant effects toward the differences of algae cementation that its P value = 0.000 < 0.01. Algae cementation on 30 meters long in distance of shoreline is the most thickness and the lowest one is on 50 meters long. Thirdly, there are significant effects among soaking depths and algae cementation which is significantly on level P value = 0.000 < 0.01. The most thickness of algae cementation is found in 1 meter soaking depth and the lowest one in 2 meters depth.
Keywords: woods species, algae cementation, marine borers abundance
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 621 - 631
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