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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Seismic Analysis of Masonary Building
Parvinder Kadyan, Gaurav Kumar
Abstract: Masonry buildings are the most common type of construction used for all housing around the world. Masonry buildings of brick and stone are superior with respect to durability, fire resistance, heat resistance and formative effects. Because of the easy availability of materials for masonry construction, economic reasons and merits mentioned above this type of construction is employed in the rural, urban and hilly regions up to its optimum, since it is flexible enough to accommodate itself according to the prevailing environmental conditions. Although this type of construction is most oftenly preferred and most frequently employed yet it is not completely perfect regard to seismic efficiency. The post earthquake survey has proved that the masonry buildings are most vulnerable to and have suffered maximum damages in the past earthquakes. A survey of the affected areas in past earthquakes (Bhuj 2001, Chamoli 1999, Jabalpur, 1997, Killari 1993, Uttarkashi 1991 and Bihar- Nepal 1988) has clearly demonstrated that the major losses of lives were due to collapse of low strength masonry buildings. Thus this type of construction is treated as non-engineered construction and most casualties are due to the collapse of these constructions in earthquake
Keywords: Masonary Building, Seismic load/demands, Reinforcement
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 608 - 611
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