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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
RISTS: Real-Time Incremental Short Text Summarization of Comment Streams in Social Networks
Aysha Shabin S. H., Mohammed Malik C. K.
Abstract: In recent years, the popularity of social networking services has increased immensely, so the number of comments can raise at a high rate immediately after a social message is published. The users of the social sites always want to get a brief understanding of a comment stream without reading the whole comment list. In order to support real-time short text summarization of comment streams in social networks, here proposed a new summarization system called RISTS. The system group comments with content similarity, semantic similarity and generate a concise opinion summary for the message. To provide immediate and instant summary of real time comment streams, the system makes use of IncreSTS algorithm which can incrementally update clustering results with latest incoming comments in real time. Moreover an at-a-glance visualization interface will be designed that enables users to get an overview understanding of a comment stream.
Keywords: Real-time short text summarization, Incremental clustering, Comment streams, Key - term extraction, Social network services
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 1550 - 1554
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